Paper vs. Digital Workplace Giving Campaign Tools

As Campaign Coordinator you’re charged with inspiring and organizing peers and your leadership team to participate and support your community. Early in the process, work with your AUW Representative to determine if a digital campaign is right for you.

If you answer "yes" to these questions, then our digital resources are right for you:

~ Would you like to track donations and measure employee participation online?

~ Do most or all your staff have access to computers or smartphones? 

~ Are you planning multiple events and donation opportunities?

Digital Campaign Tools

AUW's digital resources come with many benefits and less work compared to a paper-based campaign.

~ Two options for unique and branded donation channels:
"Company Workplace Giving Site" & "Donation Page."

~ Cuts labor efforts and saves time from paper distribution, receipt, logging, and processing.
~ Creates a trusted and secure system that supports donor confidence.
~ Real time analytics available to track fundraising efforts and progress.
~ Easily sharable over email, text, and graphics with QR codes.
~ Eco-Friendly!

For more info, do not hesitate to request a Digital Tool consultation session with your AUW Representative and our digital fundraising director, Charmaine Viegas

Ignite Workplace Giving

A "Company Giving Page" is used for Workplace Campaigns that want to promote fundraising activities within their company and exclusively from employees. The site is customized and is accessible only to employees. You can post updates, manage events, add messages from leadership, and more.

Donation Page

A "Donation Page" is designed for engaging your employees, customers, friends, or family during a fundraising campaign. You can accept one-time donations, recurring donations, and more with a custom giving page.

Donation Pages are easy to use and accessible to anyone with the URL. You can add the link to your website, eNewsletters, or social media posts and generate donations with minimal set-up. If you would like to use a Custom Giving Page or find out more, contact your AUW Representative.

Paper Fundraising Tools

If you are more comfortable distributing traditional pledge forms or have staff with less access to computers and smartphones during working hours, we have traditional options ready for you.  The Aloha United Way Team does their best to process your gifts completely and as efficiently as possible, but please complete your forms carefully, completely and legibly for best results. If we have any questions, we will follow-up with the Campaign Coordinator and/or donor.

Partner Agency List

Aloha United Way partners with more than 300 local Oʻahu agencies, as well as our Neighbor Island United Ways and their partner agencies. We offer donors the opportunity to designate gifts to Partner Agencies, AUW impact areas, and/or Affinity groups.

Download: 2024 Partner Agency List

When you make your donation, the name and/or designation number of the organization should be listed on your written form.

We can assure you that 100% of your donation goes to the agency selected and we do NOT keep any portion of your donation. 

Deposit Sheets

Deposit sheets are utilized in paper campaigns to track received donations. There should be one person assigned to manage pledge forms, donations, and deposit sheets on your campaign team. You will want to use the Pledge Form Checklist and separate donations into five groups:

~ Cash
~ Checks
~ Credit Cards
~ Automatic Transfers or EFTs
~ Payroll Deductions & Bill Me

Download: Deposit Sheet Instructions (General)
Download: Deposit Sheet Instructions (City, Country, State, UH, DOE)

If you are a Campaign Coordinator with the State of Hawaii Department of Education or another State of Hawaii Department, City & County of Honolulu, or the University of Hawaii System, your pledge forms and deposit sheets are designed specifically for your use. Please download the correct version for your organization, fill it out completely, and sign it.

Pledge Forms

Pledge forms are paper donation forms used by donors in your organization. Pledge forms are divided by City & County, General, State, and Tocqueville Society.

Aloha United Way can process your designated gifts of cash, checks, automatic transfer or EFT, and payroll deductions, and donors also have the option to be billed later or select "bill me" pledges.

All forms below are in an electronic fillable format and may be completed by typing in the fields.